Tuesday 9 March 2010


2052 (Part I)

The sky was abuzz and filled with flying automobiles, buildings, and factories.

The automobiles in the sky left a trail of water vapor behind them since they were running on seawater.

In the year 2052, the concern was not carbon dioxide but water vapor.

The little land left on earth after the greenhouse effect was in another great peril.

Due to advanced technology, the automobiles started operating on seawater, producing gallons of water vapor, filling the troposphere with clouds. The clouds in turn produced lightning, thunder and rain in plenty that it rendered the surface of the earth inhospitable for human settlement. 

The combined team of scientists, philosophers, engineers, and politicians of the world came to an agreement that the future of the earth was in the stratosphere.

Accordingly, the earthlings shifted 11 km above the earth's surface and into the atmosphere. The mission to Mars had failed a long time back.

The cities existed floating in the sky now, made possible by precise planning and execution of works through advanced technologies and usage of seawater.

Well in 2052, everything ran on seawater.

And the atmosphere below the stratosphere was a living hell, bombarded by thunders, roasted by lightening and rummaged by heavy rainstorms. This part of the atmosphere was used for the execution of convicts.

In the year 2052, you no longer saw the clouds above you. As the water vapor, released from automobiles to buildings and skyscrapers and factories, descended below the city, it formed a layer beneath it.

It was an unlikely sight to observe the blanket of white clouds if you looked down from your car, named model H2O, in 2052.

Agent P from the intelligence department flew his car inches apart from the seawater pump tank, and got into a building, which was, initialed “Cultural Productions” that was also floating in the stratosphere… 

a science fiction that weaves future uncertainties and possibilities. great piece...waiting for the next part! as someone said, 'i'm weak kneed with admiration!' :)

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