Wednesday 10 March 2010


Whiskey Kiss

There was excitement in the room.

Our hero, in his acts of utmost love, was full of expectations: Expectations that spoke of something undone, that something that hints of perpetual waiting. And, at this moment in time, he was expecting a call, or even a short message text, that we do prefer to call SMS, from the one he loved. And thus, time passed on, with a glass of whiskey by his study table.

Well, if I have forgotten to brief my worthy readers of our hero who was a mild drinker that a few glasses of whiskey would have made him feel he had conquered the world, then I would have not done our hero justice.

He sat there, our hero, with his ripened tomato eyes fixated at something he sought to find meaning and semblance to. His reason failed him as it always did. But those were strong gaze, but the object didn’t budge a bit. The mobile phone just sat there, with no life of its own.

He took another sip from the glass of whiskey, his second glass for the evening.

No extraordinary thoughts passed through his faculty of thoughts at this hour in time. He just sat there with those commonplace thoughts. He thought about his love: how her hair played with his hands. And how his hands touched them, smelling its scent from time to time. The sweet scent of “Pantene” shampoo filling his nostrils, it was a beautiful night. And the kiss, the kiss had so taken our hero that a sea of butterflies had flown into the starless night, rendering our hero with that extraordinary vision for butterflies. So, did the night pass on, with the night so much to offer our characters! But these were thoughts flying wild in our singular hero’s mind.

By and by, the story won't be complete without a flashback into that extraordinary night when heaven had broken loose, and our hero saw a glimpse of hope in the life and love he was after.

Yes, it was a Saturday night, but the date of which so escapes me; I only hope, my readership forgives me of my forgotten dates, and read on, as I unravel the events of that extraordinary night.

“Can you pass me that? ” was the sentence of the night that had charmed our hero. But the girl who had uttered those words had taken his fancy a long time back, three years, so to say.

And there they sat; face to face, only separated by that “thing” and the disturbing silence that followed.

After having passed “that” thing the beautiful girl had asked for, the warm feelings you get from the inside had started showing on our hero’s face.

Now, with passing time, our hero had blushed to some acceptable degrees.

Two glasses of wine, two glasses of wine had our beautiful girl drowned than she chose to break heaven loose.

“You know”, she started with, “ I love you, but I had a boyfriend then” she claimed, eyes teary.

Wine makes some beautiful ones teary, and others confess their true feelings. She was facing both ends of the ordeal.

Our hero pinched himself twice to confirm he was not dreaming.

She heard her say, “I love you” once again through tears. Joys knew no bounds, and happiness jumped in his stomach so much so that our hero kissed her exactly twice on her forehead.

An awkward silence ensued afterward. But his dreams had come true.

She was his now. They kissed for the rest of the evening.

Back in the room, the mobile beeped just in time. The SMS read “ I miss you already” but our hero was too drunk to comprehend it.

Is that the narration of your past Saturday night date? Seems, whiskey has blurred some of your memory cells, and obscured the passionate kissing you two had, oblivious of my presence at that time....
you were there anon?

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